Fibromyalgia Information
Can you imagine arthritis of the muscle? That’s
how one patient described her fibromyalgia symptoms.
Calcium depositing outside of the bone causes
or worsens arthritis.
Unknown toxins deposited within the muscle fibers
cause fibromyalgia. According to the traditional
medical community, the cause of fibromyalgia is
unknown. They blame physical or emotional trauma
as playing a role in the development of the syndrome.
A number of lines of evidence suggest that fibromyalgia
patients have abnormal pain transmission responses.
I believe toxins cause fibromyalgia, and the body’s
inability to eliminate those toxins sets up its
transmission of pain receptors within the muscle
Fibromyalgia: |
Detoxifcation: |
Fibromyalgia and Aspartame
Fibromyalgia is now a common condition characterized
by widespread pain in joints, muscles, tendons, and
other soft tissues. Some other problems commonly linked
with fibromyalgia include fatigue, morning stiffness,
sleep problems, headaches, numbness in hands and feet,
depression, and anxiety all aspartame
Diagnosis of fibromyalgia requires a history of at
least three months of widespread pain, and pain and
tenderness in at least eleven of eighteen tender-point
sites. These tender-point sites include fibrous tissue
or muscles of the neck, shoulders, chest, rib cage,
lower back, thighs, knees, arms, elbows, and buttocks.
The overwhelming characteristic of fibromyalgia is long-standing,
body-wide pain with defined tender points. Tender points
are distinct from trigger points seen in other pain
syndromes. Unlike tender points, trigger points can
occur in isolation and represent a source of radiating
pain, even in the absence of direct pressure.
Fibromyalgia pain can mimic the pain experienced by
people with various types of arthritis. With fibromyalgia
syndrome, the significant joint swelling, destruction,
and deformity seen in patients with diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis does not occur, which supports
the source of pain to toxins deposited within the tissue
fibers. The soft-tissue pain of fibromyalgia is described
as deep aching, radiating, gnawing, shooting or burning,
and ranges from mild to severe.
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
- Multiple tender areas (muscle and joint pain):
- back of the neck
- shoulders
- sternum
- lower back
- hip
- shin
- elbows
- knees.
- Fatigue
- Sleep disturbances
- Body aches
- Reduced exercise tolerance
- Chronic facial muscle pain or aching
Fibromyalgia Links:
Syndrome Relief
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue with Fibromyalgia Relief
and Chronic Myofascial Pain
Self help guide to treating fibromyalgia.