About SweetPoison
Janet Hull almost died from aspartame
poisoning in 1991. She has documented the history
of aspartame, government reports and Senate Hearings
on aspartame safety, case histories, including
death, and provided a list of products aspartame
is found in, along with the 92 symptoms of disease
aspartame creates. Sweet Poison also includes
nutritional recommendations for restoring your
health naturally.
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After publishing her first book, Sweet
Poison How The World's Most Popular Artificial
Sweetener Is Killing Us - My Story - , New Horizon
Press, ISBN; 0-88282-164-4, Janet Starr Hull began counseling
aspartame victims worldwide through her web site www.sweetpoison.com.
and as the Director of the GoldStarr Research Foundation.
Dr. Hull grants numerous speaking engagements,
lectures, and media interviews on the topic of aspartame
dangers and the benefits of alternative medicine, and
recently hosted the radio talk show HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES®.
She offers hair and water analyses to clients
internationally to determine aspartame poisoning,
levels of toxicity, and offers exclusive nutritional
counseling. The GoldStarr Research Foundation
is an alternative health and wellness organization
founded for research into the side effects of
aspartame on individuals and societies, and research
supporting the effectiveness of alternative methodologies
to treat and prevent disease.
Dr. Hull has been the guest on numerous television
and radio talk shows such as "Dreamland"
and "Coast To Coast" with Whitley Streiber
and Art Bell, NPR with Brian Leher, Good Day New
York and Good Day Washington, DC. She currently
works with international health organizations,
research and wellness centers worldwide.
Sweet Poison
recently sold in the UK, New Zealand, and Australia,
through Vision Paperbacks, March, 2000. It
is in its second print run in both the USA and
the UK, and has been recently released in Trade
Paper in the USA, New Horizon Press, 2001.
Why I wrote Sweet Poison
I almost died from aspartame poisoning in 1991.
When I discovered the truth about aspartame, I
naively thought that by sharing what I discovered
with others, I could help in removing aspartame
from the public market. I soon discovered that
the truth about aspartame is a well-guarded secret
by those who gain to profit the most from its
sale around the world, and that its removal from
public use was going to be a hard task to accomplish.
I believe the time is far overdue to expose the
research showing marked dangers from aspartame
to children, pregnancy, and those physically impaired.
Its time to re-evaluate the FDA approval
process, to acknowledge the power behind Americas
advertising dollars, to monitor sincerity amid
the American Medical Association information networks,
and to challenge the bullying behind the lack
of approval for natural alternative sweeteners.
Sweet Poison is my quest to help others with similar
experiences conquer the deadly effects of aspartame
and other chemical sweeteners.
Why you should buy the book
Sweet Poison is your book. I have written this book
to tell those of you I do not know that you must be
vigilant to protect your health and the health of those
you love so that neither you nor they will be seduced
by those around the world procuring the sweet
poison. I have documented the history of aspartame,
government reports and Senate Hearings on aspartame
safety, case histories, including death, and provided
a list of products aspartame is found in, along with
the 92 symptoms of disease aspartame creates. I also
include within Sweet Poison nutritional recommendations
for restoring your health naturally.