Hair Analysis
Let me share with you what a hair analysis is
and why it is my focus in determining the root
of disease and disease symptoms.
I have selected one of the finest forensic laboratories
in the USA that performs human and animal hair
analyses. The protein in hair fiber holds
the composition of the body tissues for a permanent
By analyzing the hair fiber composition through
a hair analysis, I can tell what toxins have accumulated
in the body tissues and what vitamins and minerals
are depleted or too abundant causing an imbalance
in body function.
Hair Analysis
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What is a hair analysis?
The hair analysis is the best "road map"
to a history of what's going on inside of the body,
which points to why disease symptoms begin.
As I discovered through my personal disease recovery,
I couldn't fight what I couldn't see. Once I identified
the elemental cause of my disease, I then began to heal.
A hair element analysis provides a screening test for
physiological excess, deficiency or maldistribution
of elements inside the body the elements at the
root of disease.
Why is the hair analysis effective?
Drug and chemical residues, toxins, heavy metals, and
radiation present in the body embed in hair fiber as
it grows. Hair has the advantage of long-term memory.
It's a permanent record, like tree rings. A three-inch
strand of human hair will give a six-month history of
what's going on in the body since head hair grows at
a rate of about a half an inch a month.
Clinical research indicates that hair levels of specific
elements, particularly toxic elements, correlate with
pathological disorders. For such elements, the levels
in the hair provide a superior indication of body stores
opposed to blood or unprovoked urine specimens. This
is one reason hair element tests are preferred for drug
testing and forensics.
Getting a hair analysis online is an easy and fast
A hair analysis can easily be done on-line.
- You e-mail me a brief health history and your health
concerns. The data provided should be considered in
conjunction with symptomology, diet analysis, occupation
and lifestyle, physical examination results and other
laboratory tests you may have had done.
- I will mail you a lab kit with instructions on how
to send me your hair sample, which I will forward
on to the lab. It takes approximately two weeks to
receive the results.
- I will interpret the findings and work-up your individual
recommendation report, which I will send to you via
snail mail.
I have selected one of the finest forensic laboratories
in the USA that performs human and animal hair analyses
yes, you can do a hair analysis for your animals,
too. The protein in hair fiber holds the composition
of the body tissues for a permanent period. By analyzing
the hair fiber composition using a hair analysis, you
can tell what toxins have accumulated in the body tissues
and what vitamins and minerals are depleted or too abundant
causing an imbalance in body function.
Food Chemicals
As with any chemical in solution, food chemicals like
aspartame saturate the body with toxins. Americans alone
are exposed to more than 14,000 food chemicals daily.
The hair analysis is an excellent tool to identify specific
chemical toxins and vitamin and mineral deficiencies
caused by them.
My Experience
My own hair analysis was an important part of my natural
healing from Grave's Disease. After I was diagnosed
with Grave's Disease in 1991, I used the hair analysis
to determine the toxin that polluted my body, making
me seriously ill. As an environmental engineer, I could
not make an accurate decision on how to clean up a toxic
spill without performing a soil and water analysis of
the effected area. So it is with a hair analysis for
the human body.
The hair analysis identified the root of my illness
- aspartame. The key to a good hair analysis is in the
interpretation - a lost art amid traditional medicine,
yet a critical step in disease recovery.
Order a Hair Analysis:
Click here to Order
a Hair Analysis from Dr. Janet Starr Hull.