All other organs
examined grossly were unremarkable.
Original Pathology
Pituitary - Missing
Lung - Left, mid-portion
adheres to the medial area of
the rib cage by a
"fibrous" type of tissue. (Sub-
mitted together with
relevant portion of the rib cage).
Right, post-caval
lobe has undergone consolidation. Contains
nodules measuring 2 x 2 mm. (Entire lung
submitted in toto)
Lymph NOdes, Pancreatic
- Slightly enlarged
Adrenal - Left, moderately
enlarged. Right and left, covered
with tiny yellow
spots measuring 1.0 x 1.0 mm.
Lymph Nodes, Mesenteric
- moderately enlarged.
Mass - previously
described on 8/20/73 has since then regressed.
Prostate - Marked
atrophy, all lobes
Seminal Vesicles
- Marked atrophy, bilaterally
All other organs
examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.
Mammary gland - subcutaneous
mass located in mid-thoracic
region measuring
7 x 6 x 2.5 cm.
Urinary bladder -
papillary growth in the lumen.
All other organs
examined grossly were unremarkable.
Mass #1 - Previously
described in the left inguinal region
on 2/9/73 has since
then regressed.
Masses #2 and # -
Located in the mid-axillary-cervical regions
are all on mass now
measuring 7.0 x 6.0 x 2.5 cm
and may be described
as irregular in shape, multi-
nodular, smooth-surfaced,
No Spinal Cord yellowish-purpulish
in color, non-adherent to the
VL underlying muscle
and containing a whitish-yellowish
firm tissue within.
(Submitted in toto together with
remainder of tissue).
Heart - Left Ventricle
- dilitation and walls thin.
Spleen - Slightly
Liver - Prominent
lobular architecture.
Adrenal - Left, slightly
enlarged. Right, unremarkable.
Ovary - Right, small
cyst measuring 4.0 x 4.0 mm and
distended with a
clear yellow fluid.
All other organs
examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.
Testis - Marked atrophy,
Kidney - Moderate
enlargement, mottled appearance, bilaterally.
Small and large intestine
exhibited moderate autolysis, no sections
All other organs
examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.
Mass which was initially
palpated on 2/9/72 (86 days Rx)
in the left inguinal
area was actually the left testis which
ascended and went
thru weakened left inguinal ring into
subcutaneous area.
Testis - Left (ascended)
appears atrophied (submitted in toto).
Kidney - MOderate,
diffuse and uniform enlargement, mottled,
bilaterally (submitted
in toto).
Small and large intestines
are moderately autolyzed (no sections
Thyroid - Moderately
enlarged, bilaterally. A 2 mm in dia.,
crete, sl raised,
moderately firm yellowish-grey lesion
is located in the
posterior tip, bilaterally. (Thyroid
submitted in toto
wrapped in a lens paper).
All other organs
examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.
Kidney - Mottled
Testes - Marked atrophy,
Prostate - Marked
All other organs
examined grossly exhibited marked autolysis.
Adrenal - Pale yellow,
Kidney - Pale yellow,
bilaterally, rough-surfaced, bilaterally,
moderately autolyzed,
bilaterally, tiny spaces in the
cortex region measuring
about 1 mm in diameter,
Testes - Marked atrophy,
bilaterally, marked autolysis,
Prostate - Marked
atrophy, all lobes
Seminal Vesicles
- Marked atrophy, bilaterally
Spleen - Marked autolysis
Pancreas - Marked
Stomach - Marked
autolysis. A glandular portion - numerous,
pitted ulcerations
measuring 1 -4 mm in diameter.
Lymph Nodes, Mesenteric
- Marked autolysis
Heart - Wall of left
ventricle thin
Brain - Marked autolysis
Pituitary - Marked
Liver - Marked autolysis
All other organs
examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.
Pituitary - Marked
Adrenal - Markedly
enlarged and hyperemic, bilaterally.
Mammary Gland - Mass
1, located subcutaneously in left axillary
region, measuring
3 X 3 X 2.5 cm; mass 2, located
subcutaneously adjacent
to mass 1, measuring 3 X 2
X 1 cm; mass 3, located
subcutaneously in the right
axillary region,
measuring 2.5 X 2 X 1 cm; mass 4,
located subcutaneously
in the left inguinal region,
measuring 3 X 1 X
1 cm; mass 5, located subcutane-
ously in the right
inguinal region, measuring 2 X
1.5 X 1 cm.
All other organs
examined grossly were unremarkable.
Pit - appears markedly
Adrenal - Exhibits
numerous minute greyish spots on the serosal
surface bilaterally.
It appears markedly enlarged.
Mass (1) - A 3 X
3 X 2.5 cm. spheroidal, multinodular,
white, slightly firm
mass located subcutaneously in
the left axillary
area. Mass non-adherent to the
surrounding muscles
or tissue (submitted in toto).
Mass (2) - A 2.5
X 2 X 1 cm spheroidal, smooth, yellowish
firm mass located
subcutaneously and adjacent to the
above described mass
(submitted in toto) mass non-
adherent to the surrounding
muscles or tissues.
Mass (3) - A 2.3
X 2 X 1 cm. irregularly shaped, multinodular,
yellowish white,
firm mass located subcutaneously on
the rt. axillary
area. Mass non-adherent to the
surrounding muscles
or tissues (submitted in toto).
Mass (4) - A 3 X
1 X 1 cm. elongated, multinodular, yellowish
white, firm mass
located subcutaneously on the left
inguinal area. Mass
non-adherent to the surrounding
muscles or tissues
(submitted in toto).
Mass (5) - A 2 X
1.5 X 1 cm. flat, multinodular, yellowish
firm mass located
subcutaneously on the rt. inguinal
area. Mass non-adherent
to the surrounding muscles
or tissues (submitted
in toto).
All other organs
examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.
Kidney Marked enlargement
with yellowish discoloration.
Testis Marked atrophy,