September Issue: |
September 2003
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN
By subscription only.
This month's Healthy Newsletter is a little late,
but my webmaster
has been out of town for two weeks, and I now
have a renewed
appreciation for all he does. Welcome back, Andy,
and thanks for
getting September's Healthy Newsletter out so
quickly upon your
Enjoy the turn of the seasons as Autumn has arrived.
Time to
prepare for soups and healthy Fall eating. Wishing
you the best.
To your health!
Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN
=> Why Detox Checklist
=> Driver's License Safety Tip
=> Saliva Testing: Personal Hormone Profile
=> Did You Know?
=> Q & A with Dr. Hull
=> This Month's Healthy Recipe
=> Safety Alerts/Government Recalls
Dangers Revealed
Steps To Detoxification
Analysis Program
Just like dusting your furniture and cleaning
your bathrooms, the
human body needs to be cleaned, too. Especially
if you have a diet
that includes hydrogenated fats and oils, refined
white sugar and
white flour, diet food products, or exposure to
any of the 14,000
food chemicals within American processed foods
and medications.
Here is a checklist of symptoms to signal it
may be time for a
reliable "body cleaning" followed by
a detoxification program:
* Do you experience fatigue or low energy levels?
* Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration
and /or poor
* Do you crave or eat sugar?
* Do you have less than two bowel movements per
* Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated or gassy?
* Do you experience indigestion/acid reflux after
* Are you overweight?
* Do you exercise at least every other day?
* Do you experience recurring yeast infections,
jock itch, or
foot fungus?
* Do you have arthritic aches and pains or stiffness?
* Do you take prescription medications, sedatives
or stimulants?
* Do you experience frequent headaches?
* Do you live with or near polluted air, water
or other environmental
* Do you have bad breath or excessive body odor?
* Do you experience depression or mood swings?
* Do you have food allergies or skin problems?
* Are you showing signs of premature aging?
* Do you eat fast food, fatty foods, pre-prepared
foods or fried
foods more than three times a week?
* Do you drink processed coffees and colas during
the day?
* Do you smoke cigarettes every day?
If you answered yes to three or more of the above
questions, it may be
time for that detoxification program you've been
putting off - after
you've cleaned the house, that is!
In Texas, my home state, the Texas Driver's License
has a phone
number on the back just above the bar code on
the lower left side:
1-800-525-5555. (It's VERY SMALL PRINT but it
is there.)
Something all Texans should know - especially
since this number
has received very little publicity - the number
can be called for
emergency assistance on the highway if you have
trouble while in
your car outside any city limits.
A tow truck or other service can be sent to you
if needed. This
service is state operated and paid by your tax
dollars. If you
are ever stranded, just call the number and help
is on the way.
A state trooper will also be sent to make sure
all is well.
For drivers in other states, check the back of
your driver's license
or call your state highway patrol to inquire if
you have the same
protection in your state.
Human saliva is one of the most accurate measurements
of human
hormone levels.
Hormones circulating in the saliva represent
the hormones that are
actually available to the body's tissues and cells.
Only five percent
of the hormone levels circulating in the bloodstream
are available
to the tissues and cells. So, the water' stores
are the most effective
vehicles in which the tissues have access to hormones,
because hormones are sticky' and have less resistance
in a matrix
of water opposed to cursing through the bloodstream.
Plus, every
cell in the human body is immersed in a pool of
Hormones are at the control center of just about
every aspect of
human life. They offset mood fluctuations and
support the feeling of
well-being. Hormones regulate fertilization and
growth, determination
of sex and development, they control birth, daily
life, and the process
of aging.
Hormones are naturally secreted by the body to
maintain physical
changes, hair growth and breast development for
females during
puberty, to regulate daily blood sugar levels,
body temperature,
sleep patterns, and general physique. So as you
can see, hormones
affect nearly every aspect of the human body for
both males and
females, and hormone imbalances and their decline
are an intrigal
part of aging.
There are several hundred different types of
hormones. One group we
hear about most often is the steroid hormones,
which are all derived
from cholesterol. The steroid family of hormones
can be broken down
into four major categories:
1. the estrogens (DHEA, testosterone, androstenedione)
2. progesterone
3. glucocorticoids (cortisol, cortisone)
4. mineralcorticoids (aldosterone)
If a male or female is on cholesterol medication,
their hormones may
be altered as well. It is important to monitor
hormone levels while
on these types of medications, and balance them
with natural hormonal
methods if necessary.
I highly recommend having a saliva hormone profile
test performed if
you have concerns about hormonal imbalances, high
cholesterol, hair
loss, or loss of libido. There are numerous lab
kits available at
your local health food store, and a search on
the net is a good way
to research the saliva hormone profile testing.
I like the way
BODYBALANCE prints their results for the male
and female hormone
analysis as it's user friendly and easy to read.
Their contact numbers
are 828-285-2235,,
In future newsletters, I will focus on the importance
of each one of
the body's hormones, their implications in health
and wellness, and ways
to stay hormonally balanced, naturally.
* People with low levels of vitamin C in the
blood are more likely
to become infected with Helicobacter pylori, bacteria
that can cause
peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. High levels
of vitamin C may prevent
peptic ulcers, which are sores in the lining of
the stomach or upper
portion of the small intestine, and stomach cancer.
* Take a low dose of pure niacin, 50 mg. to 100
mg., when you have a
headache. Pure niacin works better than any manufactured
pain reliever,
and it's healthy and natural.
* Recovering alcoholics have a higher risk of
becoming addicted to
diet colas due to the methanol, wood alcohol,
content in aspartame.
* Many allergens can be eliminated using digestive
enzymes opposed
to allergy medicines because the enzymes digest
the protein in the
allergens that cause allergic reactions, especially
seasonal allergies
and mold.
* It's recommended to take digestive enzymes
AFTER a meal so to
encourage the stomach's natural enzymes to produce
more efficiently
on their own. If the meal is high in fat, processed
sugars, or added
chemicals, extra enzymes may be required to assist
the body in
assimilating unwanted food additives.
* An aspirin-a-day doesn't prevent stroke or
heart attack. Used best
for emergency response situations for immediate
relief of heart attacks,
long-term use of aspirin robs the body of the
heart-nutrient magnesium
and thins the lining of the stomach.
Subject: shop for another doc
Q: I had a doctor's appt. last week and was disappointed
in my diagnosis.
I went to see if my doctor could do a hormone
test for me so to take me off
my birth control pill, but I should have known
that I would be encouraged
to stay on the pill if I didn't see anything abnormal.
I was given a
year's prescription for a refill and told that
it's not harmful unless
I'm aware of any side effects.
I wanted him to do a blood test or at least let
the lab know to do so
(I've been reading "Eat Right for Your Blood
Type") so I could find
out what type of blood I have. I figured why not?
My doctor pleasantly
recommended a new book for me to read and said
that the one I was reading
wasn't worth it.
I let him know that I was no longer using aspartame
in my diet to the
best of my knowledge (I come across things every
once in a while that
I don't realize contain aspartame) and I felt
this should improve my
health. I let him know of certain yogurts, Diet
Coke, etc. that have
aspartame in them. He said he drinks diet cola
all the time. This is
when I knew he is a doctor with his own opinion
and probably wouldn't
listen to me.
I enjoyed your book & have recommended it
to many people. I wanted
to let you know that I appreciate the time and
advice you've given
to me so freely and you're not even my assigned
HMO doctor. Thank
you for your time.
A: Wow, what do you say to that? I am amazed
at the medical doctors
who remain closed minded about aspartame and the
effects of food chemicals
and toxic metals as a cause of disease syndromes.
Any good scientist
is open-minded, so why aren't most doctors? I
have no answers for
anyone like your doctor who isn't interested in
sharing what others
have discovered that may better their lives and
their health. I
suggest you shop for another doc.
Subject: burning in my throat
Q: For the past year I have been seeing my doctor
about a burning
sensation in my throat, sometimes on my tongue
and the roof of my
mouth. I have had several tests to rule out acid
reflux, and I had a
throat cat scan. Everything was normal. Then someone
told me about
aspartame. I have a light yogurt everyday, plus
3-5 Equals a day. Can
this be caused by aspartame? My doctor has no
A: When the doctors have no answers for what
they cannot see, I am
convinced it is simply a reaction to an outside
(including food) stimulus
the body is not accepting happily. This is good
your doctor hasn't seen
anything because it means there is no physical
damage yet. That is
really good!
The aspartame in all forms is toxic, and the
Equal is very strong. I
have noticed through my research that people who
use Equal have more
severe health reactions than those who use only
foods with aspartame.
I surmise you are having a toxic reaction to the
aspartame, and if you
stop all use, restore any damage done, and return
to a natural diet,
this burning should stop. Pitch the blue stuff!
Get on some good detox nutrients, and take a
natural multi-vitamin
to help recover quicker.
The medical community seems to be falling behind
on the cause and
effect of disease. They have forgotten that medicine's
roots are
in natural medicine. Avoid all unnatural chemicals
in foods, the
environment, and in medicines and your body will
thank you for it.
Subject: birth control
Q: I just recently stopped drinking Diet Coke,
using yogurt (non-fat)
and Equal, but am still going through any other
products that may contain
these so I can rid myself of the aspartame.
I was curious what you had to say on taking birth
control. I have been
taking it since I was 17 and I will be 27 in another
month and I am
looking for an alternative. I was prescribed this
due to my irregularty
at a young age. If you can offer any helpful suggestions
I would appreciate
your time. Thank You.
A: I see this happening more and more these days
- young women
starting at 16-17 years old using aspartame for
many years and having
trouble with their periods since an early age.
Since aspartame causes
testes and mammary gland tumors in rats, I suspect
it effects the ovaries,
especially starting aspartame when you were still
so young. Many women,
including myself, had problems with their periods
WHILE using aspartame.
It all goes away when the aspartame stops. Your
hormone levels are probably
off balance and have been from a very young, developmental
age. You can
get a saliva hormone test done to test your levels
and know for sure.
Go to
for info on saliva tests, or inquire at your local
health food store.
I'd stop all aspartame, especially the blue stuff,
and detox your body
in the case your hormones are out of balance,
plus this will help return
your hormone balance naturally. I think the fertility
tests you can buy
to see if you've ovulated are also the best natural
method of birth
control around.
Wishing you well.
Subject: hormone testing
Q: I went to the website you recommended for
hormone saliva testing.
I saw several different saliva tests so I wanted
to know if you recommend
one that you're familiar with. Also, do you have
a website for a fertility
test? I made an appointment with my doctor to
get my blood work done in
the meantime, too. I look forward to reading your
book Sweet Poison that
I am planning to order tonight. I appreciate your
A: I believe the test you want on the website
is called the 'Personal Hormone Profile' testing
for the three primary
hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
in the saliva. If they
also show DHEA levels, I recommend this be done,
also. I know you can
purchase the kit at any good health food store.
And the fertility test
is available at the drug store or Walmart-type
stores. The newer kits
are really advanced, and work for both birth control
(it's not marketed for
that) as well as pregnancy - same thing, though
- either go for it or
dodge it, right? Tells you when changes are taking
place one way or another.
Does this help? Let me know.
Subject: sugarless gum
Q. My primary concern is with the chewing gum
that contains phenylalanine,
how dangerous is this to me and to what degree?
I chew a lot of gum
during college classes. As of last week I have
stopped chewing the new
Wrigley's gum and will be returning the brand
new 10 pack to the store I
purchased it from. I had been suffering from severe
dizzy spells, almost
to the point of losing consciousness, not realizing
that it was from chewing
the gum, of which I chewed at least three or four
packs a day! And do you
know, you can barely find the old Dentyne, (talk
about conspiracy).
I just want you to know how deeply I appreciate
you prompt response.
And I want you to know that I am spreading the
word! I just informed
one of the college professors about the dangers
of aspartame contained
in the flavored water he drinks, and he was shocked,
thinking he was
drinking more healthily! I will also share with
him the information
regarding your web site.
Again thanks and I wish you success in your endeavors,
as you continue
to warn the public about this travesty. I support
you Dr Hull.
A: It is dangerous, no doubt, as you are slowly
poisoning yourself
as you chew. When you chew gum, the enzymes in
the saliva take the
chemicals in the gum matrix and immediately assimilate
those chemicals
into the body. Plus, you chew for a longer period
of time than when
eating, and you chew constantly throughout the
day. So, in essence,
you are getting more aspartame than you should
throughout each day. Go
back to Dentyne, the old-fashioned kind. And read
gum labels, as aspartame
is in gums not labeled sugar-free, like the new
Wrigley's, as you have
Stay away from any aspartame - the methanol isn't
worth it!
To Your Health,
Janet Hull
Asparagus-Avocado Soup
This great soup Is rich In zinc and has a nice
tomato flavor.
18 stalks asparagus
1 avocado
5-6 large tomatoes
1 cup fresh parsley
3-5 sun dried tomatoes (bottled in olive oil)
1/4 cup dried onion
4 cloves fresh garlic
1 red bell pepper
Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste
1-2 tsp Spice Hunter's Herbes de Provence (if
2 tsp. dill
2 lemons or limes, cut in thin slices
Trim and dice the tips from the asparagus and
set aside for a garnish.
In a food processor, blend the asparagus and tomatoes,
parsley, dried
tomatoes, spices, garlic, onion and red bell pepper.
Then blend the
avocado until soup is smooth and creamy. Warm
in an electric skillet
and garnish with lemon or lime slices on top,
or serve cold. Season
with Bragg's to taste. Sprinkle diced asparagus
tips on top as
garnish, just before serving.
Serves 3-5.
Nebraska Firm Has Recalled Beef Products
Reason: Because they are incorrectly labeled.
Distribution: Florida, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio,
Wisconsin, Tennessee
and Minnesota.
Wisconsin Firm Has Recalled Beef Products
Reason: Because they are incorrectly labeled.
Distribution: Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Michigan,
Minnesota and
Illinois Firm Has Recalled Pork Egg Rolls
Reason: Contains an undeclared ingredient, Sodium
Bisulfite, a known
Distribution: Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky.
UWATEC Has Recalled Smart Dive Computers
Reason: The computer's alert signal system may
not work properly.
Distribution: Nationwide.
De Bon Sales Has Recalled Cigarette Lighters
Reason: The novelty lighters are not equipped
with child-resistant
Distribution: Texas
DesignPac Has Recalled Lamp Oil
Reason: The bottles of paraffin oil in these sets
do not have the
child-resistant closures required by federal law.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Hamilton Beach and Proctor-Silex Have Recalled
Slow Cookers
Reason: The handles on the base of the slow cookers
can break.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Midwest Has Recalled Toad Lawn Sprinklers
Reason: The increased water pressure can cause
the toad to explode,
posing the risk of injury to anyone nearby.
Distribution: Nationwide.
California Firm Has Recalled Chicken Products
Reason: Chicken products that have entered the
country improperly.
Distribution: Arizona, California, Georgia, Michigan,
Nevada, Oregon,
Texas, Utah and Washington.
Conceptual Marketing & Development Has Recalled
Weed Cutting
Attachment Blades
Reason: The blades can break off and hit consumers
causing severe
impact and laceration injuries.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Baltic Star Food Has Recalled Processed Fish
Reason: This product may be contaminated with
Clostridium botulinum
Distribution: Richmond Hill, New York.
Indumar Seafood Has Recalled Caribe Brand Fresh
Crab Meat
Reason: Because it has the potential to be contaminated
with Listeria
Distribution: Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
and New York.
Last Issue:
- Pink VS Blue - Who Will Win the Sweetener War?
- Neotame and Splenda
Check out the online newsletter archive to view
articles. You are welcome to link your website
to any of the
articles posted. Please visit the following URL:
Dangers Revealed
Steps To Detoxification
Analysis Program
Do you know of someone who would benefit by reading
this newsletter? If so, please feel free to forward
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Copyright 2003 -
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN