Health Questions with Dr. Janet Hull
I encourage you to send me any health questions
you may have. I try to respond to every question
as fast as possible, but please browse through
my current questions I have received.
Also, check out my health newsletter, every article
I share with you contains interesting health information
and an FAQ section with health related injuires.
Every newsletter article also includes government
recall and food safety information.
Dr. Janet
Starr Hull: |
Health Related Questions and Answers with Dr. Janet
From: Melissa
Subject: Aspartame Questions
1. What is the purpose of writing a book about aspartame?
I want to teach people the truth about aspartame. After
I healed my disease caused by aspartame, I realized
people like myself were not informed on the true dangers
of this product, and the corporations making trillions
of dollars off the sales of aspartame do not want the
truth to come out. They successfully protect their profits
by manipulating the media, mostly by threats of loss
of donations and advertising monies. My book is one
way to get the information to the public without being
stopped. I want to help others through my near death
experience caused by aspartame.
2. What dangers are caused by aspartame?
There is a list of 92 health symptoms aspartame causes
because of its ability to penetrate the brain. It interferes
with normal brain signals within the brain, therefore
creating a multitude of dysfunction within the body
systems. The list is in my book.
3. What proof is there that aspartame is the cause
of these dangers?
Hundreds of independent researchers not on corporate
payrolls (but on university research grants) have proven
over and over again in laboratory studies that aspartame
causes cancer, brain lesions, fetal damage, and mental
disorders. The proof is there.
4. Do you think people are more aware of aspartame now
than before? Why?
Definitely yes. Communications such as my book that
have not been 'bought off' by corporations have reached
the public primarily because of the freedom on the internet.
If it weren't for this form of communication, no one
would know the truth. Prior to the internet so many
truth were successfully hidden from societies. See,
you found me through the net. Now, we must get through
to major TV and radio stations, newspapers and magazines
to print the truth. This WILL start a revolution, though.
And multiple lawsuits will follow. It will be turmoil
as people will be angry that this truth has been kept
from them and so many people have suffered by losing
their health. Some have died from aspartame, too.
5. How did you conduct your research on aspartame?
My personal research was with my own diagnosis of an
incurable disease. Nothing in my life had been different
before I got sick other than I started drinking diet
colas. When I removed all aspartame from my diet, my
'disease' disappeared within 30 days. This was 11 years
ago and I have been in perfect health since that time.
Now, I counsel patients who are reacting to aspartame
yet their doctors see nothing on expensive lab reports.
They remove all aspartame from their lives, and their
mysterious health problems disappear. It's happening
more and more every day. People are figuring it out
for themselves, yet no doctors can help them, and little
information is available to justify what they experienced.
6. Have a lot of people bought your book?
Yes. It sells in Europe and the Commonwealth also, but
if the word becomes public, it should sell a million
copies worldwide!!
Thank you very much for your time.
You're welcome. Good luck on your work and stay away
from the sweet poison.
From: Linda Murphy
Subject: Info Please
I just finished reading your website...excellent...I
agree with it all.
I have a question for you, perhaps your knowledge of
these various studies can give me an answer. I have,
over the past year, lost 112 pounds, (with another 114
to go). I did it eating a very healthy diet ; no animal,
dairy, sugar, white flour. I eat a primarily raw diet
and a gallon of steamed distilled water a day, plus
many supplements. But, now, for the first time in my
life, I have high blood pressure, and am 'spilling protein'.
I am under a doctor's care, but, she has no idea why
this is happening.
What was your previous diet like? Did you eat like
the present? Past toxins and chemical diets may be underlying
losing weight - like awakening a sleeping giant. Do
you know if the supplements are the specific ones the
body needs at the time? What toxins may have accumulated
over the years? Losing weight is awesome, but it may
have simply uncovered what has been beneath your body
tissues for many years.
Now, my question; could my PH balance have anything
to do with this? Would a hair anaylasis tell us anything
pertaining to the condition I just described?
Yes, pH plays a critical role in health - get pH strips
from the drug store and test your urine every morning
before eating and each night before bed for ten days.
Let me know the readings. Also, a hair test will show
what toxins have been present and what specific nutrients
you need now that you have a new and healthy lifestyle.
Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated,
my nails are ridged and splitting, and my hair is falling
out, and I am desperate for answers.
Sounds like a toxic thyroid and some hormone imbalances.
This is common with weight loss and a change of lifestyle.
And the doctor may not have picked this up as it is
more nutritional than medical.
From: Pam
Subject: Protein Drinks
Thank you for publishing your book on "SWEET POISON".
I just read it overnight and can't believe what sheep
we've become to the manufacturers. I've been working
to be a healthier person for 10 years and have been
regularly visiting the library to keep informed.
Thank you for your kind comments. You are 100% correct
in that consumers have been 'sheep', yet we have been
lead down that path by deceit from greedy corporations.
It is time to wake up and say 'no more.'
This is the first time I've seen this book. GREAT JOB!
But, what about these protein drinks? I am using one
and the label can become "Greek" trying to
figure out what's in it. Some protein drinks are better
than others. And watch out for the flavored waters,
too. Many of these mass produced health and energy drinks
contain processed chemicals and isolated amino acids,
all of which are harmful to your body. Proteins should
always be in a natural combined amino acid form with
at least EIGHT amino acids available.
"NOW' makes mine but it seems to have some alarming
things in it. NO ASPARTAME but it has L-Aspartic Acid
2114 mg per 28 g serving and L-Phenylalanine 554 mg
per 28 g serving. Also a weird L-Methionine 370 mg per
28 g serving, The are referred to as Essential Amino
Acids (11 listed in all). And Non-Essential Amino Acids
8 listed in all. This meets the criteria for amino acids,
but be careful if you have had a reaction to aspartame,
as these particular amino acids can create the SAME
reaction. Watch out for those bright squiggly lights
in your eyes that I wrote about in SWEET POISON, and
for headaches. If this occurs, stop the particular product.
Get your aminos from foods if possible.
I'm confused. Isn't it toxic to use L-Phenylalaine and
Aspartic Acid and Methionine together ( Is this methanol
You are right. In the natural form, the body will process
these amino acids as fuel, but when manufactured, they
are FAKE aminos; cheaper to manufacture and meant to
'trick' the body into believing it's real fuel. This
is why the body reacts adversely to fake amino acids
- they are empty fuel sources. Try the product and see
if you get ANY negative reactions. It should be OK if
it is indeed natural aminos and in combination. Call
the company for confirmation on quality and make them
assure you will not mock an aspartame reaction for liability
It's time to hold ALL corporations accountable, both
natural and synthetic, but NOW is a good company.