The Medical Faculty at Norway Technical Scientific University released in the Danish BT Newspaper December 18, 2001, the following study summary:
Lightprodukter, der indeholder sødestoffet aspartam, mistænkes for at dræbe hjerneceller. Det er særligt de områder i hjernen, som bruges ved indlæring, der påvirkes, og derfor bør særligt børn undgå lightprodukter. Det er konklusionen i en hovedopgave fra det medicinske fakultet ved Norges teknisk-naturvidenskabelige universitet. M. Ebdrup, B.T., 13
Light products containing the sweetener aspartame, is suspected of killing brain cells. Especially the areas in the brain used for learning are being affected, and therefore especially kids should avoid light products. That is the conclusion in a main assignment from the medical faculty at Norway technical-scientific University.
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