No aspartame/acesulfame warning on new CocaCola Blak®
As time moves on, the soft drink companies are bound to make a mistake and go too far in this chemical sweetener war to win your dollar. This new cola/coffee drink may that final step of nutritional disaster.
Children, especially those on ADD/ADHD drugs and those exposed to alcohol, will love this chemical caffeine concoction - what a sugar-free pick-me-up for the processed-food addict! And don't be naive if you believe children will resist purchasing and guzzling down this new "pick-me-up." We have intensely focused on their access to illegal drugs - now we are making it possible for our youth to consume products with "legal" drugs (methanol in aspartame) from the grocery counters.
The adverse reactions to this manufactured blend of coffee, cola, and chemical sweeteners is a prescription for health disaster, and heads-up to the consumer (especially the youngsters) that your health may suffer from this tasty combination of chemicals.
To your health!
Dr. Janet Starr Hull
Think twice before sipping that soft drink
By Evelyn Gezo
Soft drink companies recently announced they are voluntarily going to begin removing sweetened drinks from schools before the start of the 2008-2009 school year. Although a small step in the right direction, school food service directors, parents and school administrators will need to make smart decisions about the beverages that will be made available to students in the future.
There are so many beverages out on the market that may sound healthful but because of added nutrients or a clever name, they're anything but healthy.
The present guidelines established will allow elementary and middle schools to sell water, certain juices, low-fat and fat-free regular and flavored milks. The only difference between the two school levels will be portion sizes. Elementary schools will provide 8-ounce portions and the middle schools will have 10-ounce portions. The high schools will still be allowed to sell diet sodas, sport drinks, different types of waters and diet tea drinks.
But like any health intervention plan - and this one is no exception - choices begin with the individual, and in the case of young children and adolescents, with parental guidance. Here is an example.
Be careful what you buy
Coca-Cola just recently launched a new cola drink called Coca-Cola Blak, which is a combination of cola and coffee. Although Coca-Cola states it is for the adult market, the sleek packaging in itself is enticing to all age groups.
"The product is clearly not for young children, and adult consumers may be surprised if they look at the list of ingredients below the nutrition facts panel. An 8-ounce portion contains caffeine and high-fructose syrup like regular cola, but it also contains aspartame and acesulfame potassium, which are two non-nutritive sweeteners. The use of these two artificial sweeteners keeps the calories low, but there is no indication on the front label that these non-nutritive sweeteners are in the product. "
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Posted on June 24, 2006 in Aspartame in the news | Link
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